Open Any Files (Simple)
Open File (“Open File” button)
Clicking the “Open File” button will present a standard screen that requests you to select a file that is to be opened.
Browse through the drives and associated folders by clicking on the tree paths displayed and then either ‘double-click’ the chosen file or highlight your selection and click ‘Open’.
What happens next depends on the type of file you have selected:
• A text file will be opened and displayed in the main console text window ready for viewing.
• A text file that has encrypted text within its content will be presented for decryption and on entering the correct Pass Phrase the decrypted text will be displayed in the main console text window
• All other file types will be opened by their associated default program, e.g.:
• A Word Document will be opened by launching your Microsoft Word application with the file selected.
• An image file (e.g. a ".jpg" or ".bmp") will be displayed using your systems default image viewer (an image or sound file will also prompt the opening of the steganography features to see if you wish to check for hidden text or a hidden file.)