QuickCrypto Encryption Software

Steganography Software

QuickCrypto is a 'twelve-in-one' security software tool ....


Steganography Software.

Steganography Software Feature

  Carrier Steganography

Steganography is the science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message.

The steganography module allows the hiding of text messages, files of any type, or both, in a 'carrier' file. A carrier file is a file that performs a function in its own right and does not appear to be anything other than what it seems, for example a photograph or a sound file might be used as a carrier file. Carrier files appear perfectly normal, they will display in image viewers or work in audio players, using the above examples. But they can also contain hidden information - other files and messages - that can be retrieved.

The QuickCrypto steganography function allows carrier files to be photographs, drawings, images (.jpg, .gif, .bmp file types) and sounds (.wav and .mp3 file types). Any type of file can be hidden within these types of carrier files. Files and text to be hidden can easily be encrypted prior to hiding if required.

Steganography Software Feature

  Folder Steganography

QuickCrypto also allows you to hide one or more files in a folder. This is not simple 'hidden attribute' file hiding, QuickCrypto file hiding physically moves the file but still keeps it associated to its original folder for recovery.

These files hidden within folders do not appear to normal Windows applications, including Windows Explorer.

Steganography complements Cryptography in that a hidden and encrypted message or file is most secure. Encrypting files prevents anyone reading or using the files without the correct Pass Phrase or Password.

However, encrypted files are obvious on a system. If someone is dedicated enough they may well eventually break the encryption by guessing the password.

But if you hide the files, most people will not even know they are there to try and decrypt. You can hide unencrypted or encrypted files the choice is yours.

Steganography Software Feature

  How Does It Work?

QuickCrypto imperceptibly alters the pixels (individual picture elements) of the image, or adjust the bits of some of the sound file, encoding the secret text by adding small variations in color to the image or pitch of the sound. In practice, to the human eye and ear, these small differences do not appear to change the file.

Hidden files are still within the original folder but do not register with most normal Windows® software (e.g. Windows® Explorer® and most applications that process files)

Steganography Software Feature

  Is Steganography Undetectable?

Steganography is not undetectable, but is very difficult to detect if the original carrier file is not available for analysis. Even if steganography is detected, it is very difficult to unscramble the hidden content without the same software used to encode it.

Files hidden on a system will be found under intense forensic search using specialist software, but are highly unlikey to be found in any other way. For total security, hide and encrypt extremely sensitive files using a long complex password.

Steganography Software Feature

  Why Use Steganography?

Steganography complements Cryptography in that a hidden and encrypted message or file is most secure. Encrypting files prevents anyone reading or using the files without the correct Pass Phrase or Password.

However, encrypted files are obvious on a system. If someone is dedicated enough they may well eventually break the encryption by guessing the password. But if you conceal the data - on a system or in another carrier file, most people will not even know they are there to try and decrypt.

Steganography Software Feature

  Is QuickCrypto Easy To Use?

Yes! One of the fundamental reasons why Steganography is not used as much as it could be, is that people find it difficult to use software that easily achieves hidden data.

QuickCrypto has been designed first and foremost (notwithstanding a pure 'heart' of sound cryptographical ability) to be supremely easy to use.

Download it and try it out for yourself!


How Do I Hide Files & Information?

Steganography Software Feature

  Carrier Steganography:

(1) Open the Steganography module by clicking the 'Stego' button

(2) Choose a 'carrier file' - sound or image file.

(3) Enter some text to hide and/or select a file to hide within the carrier file

(4) Click 'Hide Data' button and the text and/or selected file will be hidden in the chosen carrier file.

The Carrier File can then be emailed, posted to web as normal! 

Steganography Software Feature

  Folder Steganography:

Click 'Hide File' button and select a file(s) to hide. Once selected the file(s) will be hidden.

To hide all files in a folder, click "Hide Folder" button and select a folder. Once selected all files in the folder will be hidden.

Files can be hidden from within the Windows® Explorer®. Select a file and 'right-click', then select 'Hide File'

Files can be hidden from within the QuickCrypto Explorer. Select a file and 'right-click', then select 'Hide/Unhide File'


Set QuickCrypto up how you want it to work, with most useful features for you at hand.

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